Wednesday, December 12, 2007

what I'm getting for Christmas

I don't know about you, but I'm getting the glory of God for Christmas.

My youngest takes after his Dad so much, especially in his passion for giving carefully selected, thoughtful gifts to those he loves.

The other day, with a sparkle in his eye, and a sincere look on his small handsome face, he announced to me that he is giving me the "glory of God" for Christmas.

Wow... Really?
"Yes Mommy, the glory of God."

Since then, when I get crabby or fed up with the slushy, sticky, dirty, or crumbly mess my kids have just made, my young one says, "The glory of God, Mom, remember I'm giving you the glory of God."

What is the glory of God? I'm not exactly sure - but I've heard it said that God's glory is everything that makes up God; His authority, power, and sovereignty. I also know that the Psalms mention God's glory a lot, and Pslam 19 says , "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands."

Is a little first grader really going to give me the glory of God for Christmas? I highly doubt it. But the great thing is, I am getting it for Christmas. And so are you. God himself has blessed us with it, in the gift of His son. Emmanuel=God with us. We get God, and His glory. He gave us the gift of Himself. Isn't it ironic that this gift that comes from a child?

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