Friday, January 23, 2009

Faith via ipod

ABC News is looking for people who turn to new, often abbreviated means, as a way to keep religion in their fast-paced lives. In an online survey, they want want us to tell them how we stay connected to our faith in the digital era.

So I told them. And as I did, I was shocked at how central my ipod touch is to my realm of faith.

In the morning I get up early to read my Bible before everyone else gets up, and chaos reigns. I read the Daily Bible which is the Bible in chronological order, but if I want to look up something specific, I find it fastest and easiest to use the ESV Bible I've downloaded on my ipod. When I'm done reading, I might review some verses I'm memorizing which I keep track of in my ipod Notes application. Next, I check my email from my ipod, where I receive daily descriptions of some Christian podcasts I like (Revive Our Hearts, Midday Connection, etc) and if they sound interesting I will download the podcasts from itunes, and listen to them on my ipod when I have time.

The kids like to listen to K love on the radio, and if there is a song we really like (and if I have any money left in my itunes account) I can quickly grab my ipod and download the song into itunes. Our collection of Christian songs has grown really large, but I don't mind spending money on something that can help reinforce their faith.

On Sundays I often miss the sermon, since I'm in charge of Children's Church during our service. So, I download my pastor's sermons, and if I am going to be driving up to see my parents that week (4 hour round trip) I may also see if John Piper, Mike Bullmore, or C.J Mahaney have any interesting new sermons. I love that these are all free!

I also love blogs written by people of faith, and spend many free moments (maybe too many) reading them on Google Reader from my ipod.

It is amazing to me how many faith building tools are available to an average person like me/us here in America. How blessed we are...but along with all of this comes responsibility:

"...from everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked." Luke 12:48

If you are interested in taking the online faith survey, you can do so here.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad that you're able take advantage of the Midday Connection podcasts!

Lori Neff
Midday Connection Producer

7:02 PM  
Blogger Elizabeth said...


Midday connection is great-thanks for producing such an interesting and edifying program!


8:55 PM  
Blogger Robin Pedrero said...

My husband is using that application, I guess I ought to add applications to my Ipod!

8:58 PM  
Blogger Elizabeth said...


You should! There really are lets of helpful applications out there.


8:54 AM  

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